Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, is enjoying a phenomenal run at the box office, hitting new milestones daily. The horror-comedy is now on the verge of crossing the coveted 100-crore mark in overseas collections, with North America (USA and Canada) leading the charge. The film is poised to surpass Hrithik Roshan’s Fighter in this region, a major achievement for Bollywood in 2024.
This year has seen few Bollywood successes overseas, with Fighter being a rare exception, grossing 101 crores globally thanks to Hrithik’s massive international fanbase. However, Stree 2 is set to outshine it, as it nears the century mark in just 12 days.
According to official reports from the makers, Stree 2 has already grossed 91 crores overseas, with a significant portion of its earnings—approximately 47 crores—coming from North America alone. With the half-century milestone within reach, it’s only a matter of time before Stree 2 overtakes Fighter’s 53.56-crore haul in the region.
The film is also performing well in other international markets. In the Gulf region, Stree 2 has grossed around 21 crores, while in Australia and the UK-Ireland, it has earned 8.57 crores and 7.22 crores, respectively.
Currently standing at 91 crores overseas, Stree 2 is expected to soon surpass Fighter’s 101-crore total, making it the highest-grossing Bollywood film overseas in 2024. With positive word-of-mouth continuing to spread, the film’s box office journey is far from over.
On the domestic front, Stree 2 is also dominating, having raked in an impressive 421.85 crores net in just 12 days. With such momentum, it’s well on its way to entering the prestigious 500-crore club.